Originally Posted by filtherton
Gender stereotypes are only applicable when you employ them, mine are irrelevant? I see. You can't embrace stereotypes selectively. Either men are more emotionally suited to certain things and women are more emotionally suited to certain other things or all people are adaptable and capability depends on the person rather than the gender of the person. How deep is your conviction on this subject?
You couldn't hit the fucking point if it was an elephant three feet away.
You would have to define what sort of traits are required to be successful in the business world.
On the one hand empathy and higher social capabilities might help a women be successful. Objectivity and dispassion might help make a man successful.
Objectivity and dispassion are less likely to make you a better parent than a woman however, your child is not a company car.
I introduced the armed forces bit because a friend of mine covered this in his thesis. The fact is that on average women exert 80% more energy than men to achieve the same results in a battlefield situation, therefore they are less efficient. What the army thinks about gays is not really an issue, so there was hardly any point mentioning it.
Originally Posted by filtherton
If women are less capable, why are there policewomen or firewomen?
The work of the emergency services doesn't revolve solely around beating up criminals in as efficient a manner as possible. Women are more accomplished at resolving issues such as domestic abuse, if solely because the presence of a woman might calm the victims.