Originally Posted by irateplatypus
the problem with kerry is that he was an officer in the military at a time of war who was meeting with the enemy. that is a lot different from your situation or nearly anyone elses. it's clear that the circumstances were exceptional and the stakes unusually high. i'm not suggesting that the navy convene a general courts-martial to review the case... but i do think it is a telling detail to senator kerry's career. i believe it shows a lack of discipline, going further to confirm my perception of kerry as a shameless self-promoter. a person who's convictions only go as far as a vote or fame will take him. this situations, admittedly, reinforces preconceived notions on my part... but i do believe a strong argument can be made from my perspective.
I believe that this post deserves a giant, glowing "IANAL, but..."
Of course, if we are talking about a lack of discipline, it's only fair to bring up Dubya's lost year. At least Kerry completed his service.