Originally Posted by adysav
It might be irrelevant to you, but I consider it a test of people's conviction on the subject.
Women are more naturally predisposed to caring for children and are more emotionally capable, in general. Saying this is not even remotely equivalent to judging their worth in such a bizarre construct as merchant banking, for example.
Gender stereotypes are only applicable when you employ them, mine are irrelevant? I see. You can't embrace stereotypes selectively. Either men are more emotionally suited to certain things and women are more emotionally suited to certain other things or all people are adaptable and capability depends on the person rather than the gender of the person. How deep is your conviction on this subject?
Sounds more like your opinion to me. It would be just as accurate if i were to claim that men are just more naturally predisposed to the kind of objectivity and dispassion necessary in the business world.
Even if women were more capable child rearers(which you admit there is little actual evidence of), that doesn't mean that all men, or even most men, are incapable of raising children effectively.
Originally Posted by adysav
Obviously this is very hard to qualify objectively, but it is very fashionable these days to treated men and women as absolute equals even though it is not the case. Soldiers for example are very rarely female, and with good reason.
It is very hard to qualify because it is bullshit. It isn't hard to understand why infantry are rarely female. I'll help: The army thinks women are less capable in the role of infantry because women are typically smaller and less muscular than men. That is a fact. The army also thinks gay men are less capable, even though they're still men. The army thinks a lot of things that may or may not be accurate. That is why the army isn't in charge of social policy. If women are less capable, why are there policewomen or firewomen? What you're saying would be the equivalent of claiming that men are more capable of the business of war than women are on a fundamental emotional level, which is another assertion you'll find nearly impossible to support effectively.
It is very fashionable to treat men and women as equals, because for the most part, they are.