Originally Posted by filtherton
I never argued against incest, i just argued that it was irrelevant. Like i said before, i believe in consenting adults.
It might be irrelevant to you, but I consider it a test of people's conviction on the subject.
Originally Posted by filtherton
That is hardly a fact. Any more than the "fact" that women are less able to handle themselves in a business environment, or any of the other vaguely sexist "facts" that most of the twentieth century based its traditions on.
Women are more naturally predisposed to caring for children and are more emotionally capable, in general. Saying this is not even remotely equivalent to judging their worth in such a bizarre construct as merchant banking, for example.
Obviously this is very hard to qualify objectively, but it is very fashionable these days to treated men and women as absolute equals even though it is not the case. Soldiers for example are very rarely female, and with good reason.