Originally Posted by Superbelt
His actions helped to bring Americans home earlier than they would have otherwise and aided in the repair of a damaged military.
Bravo Senator Kerry.
A point all to rarely made. As painful as the Vietnam War and its aftermath were, The military that over-ran Iraq in 1991 would not have existed if it hadn't have been for those people like Kerry and many others, including many dedicated, serving soldiers, who refused to ignore or turn a blind eye to the failures of that conflict, and instead brought careful examination upon the Army, how it did business, how it trained, how it fought, and so on. These fundamental changes in Army (and other services too) operations were more critical the new Army that emerged in the 1980s than any weapon system they were given, and were the key to putting our military so far above the world in capability that there was no contest in a straight up fight.
Nobody likes the guy that points out the flaws in how you are doing business, but any smart businessman knows that if you don't honestly appraise these audits and make needed adjustments, you are only hurting yourself.