Originally Posted by Mojo_PeiPei
First off none of those people mentioned are considered "terrorists".
By the definition set by the Bush administration (and the media), yes, they would be terrorists.
Don't look at me, they're the ones misusing the term
Originally Posted by Mojo_PeiPei
Furthermore I know all about cultural relativism, it's not a tough concept to grasp. But I swear anyone who says in this "War on Terror", people of the likes of Al Qeada or insert (islamofacist terror group) isn't evil only misunderstood, you need a serious reality check and evaluation of your personal moral fiber.
haha you're insinuating that I'm saying they're misunderstood? Ah hahahahah, more of the "if you're not with us, you're against us". Classic.
(either that or you need to read more carefully