why is it so goddam impossible to bring up any valid discussion of real threats to peace and security on a purely nonpartisan basis without an immediate and completely paranoid and irrational defense of Bush and co.
Seems like anyone simply stating the obvious and well founded fears of us all is instantly anti-bush. Well, yeah. Stupid man shoulda been looking at the real threats facing the world today. What we got was a heavily media manipulated fabrication of a non existent threat. It was a personal grudge payback on about a third grade mentality. Meanwhile the nut jobs with the actual means and unwatched ways to really fuck us up just cruised along.
Itīs becoming pretty obvious that this recent "train accident" in N. Korea with mushroom cloud and all is getting covered up quick. They have nukes and missiles to deliver em. Shit, They just told the entire world if we fuck with them Japan will become a nuclear sea of hell. This guy is a true psycho and has happily spent the entire 4 years of Bush building up his war chest.
Iran? Yeah, for sure theyīre chasin the nuke option. Theyīve just seen what happens to compliant countries in the region. Yes, COMPLIANT. Why the hell do the U.S. and Israel have the exclusive right to determine who can or cannot defend themselves, Yes, defend. Because for the life of me I canīt see Iran making any kind of suicidal act of agression on a neighboring country. I can sure as hell see taking any possible precautions when faced with the absolute fanaticism and unchecked illegal and criminal history of their lying, WMD bearing, thieving neighbors.
Remember when Saddam told the world he didnīt have any WMDīs and him and Bush should just punch it out one on one? Maybe the most intelligent solution laid on the table. But fearless GW has never fought his own fight in his life. Saddam woulda decked him.