I pulled the sword without maxed strength stats on my second playthrough. Apparently, you can pull the sword if you improve your stats a certain amount from your first attempt. I believe it was around 5 physique, 3 toughness and health. You would think that you would only need to max physique since that is your physical strength.
I wish Fable had more customization. I mean, it's cool that your character ages and changes depending on how you play (I found it funny that my character with a lot of health was a hairy beast) but what if I don't want to be caucasian? I want to be able to change the color of my hair and eyes, dye my clothes and armor, buy a scabbard for my sword etc. Ah well, you can still get your character to look pretty damn good. I've taken to going around with any upper body armor to show off my tattoos and manly chest. The combat difficulty is such a joke that I've never even come close to dying even when I'm completely naked.
Anyway, what kind of character did everyone end up with? My first was an evil half will/half warrior who used the harbringer. My second was a good warrior using the murren greathammer.
The black wind howls...