Originally Posted by Zdragva
you know why there is so much denial tho? to sort out the world, or to at least take responsibility will mean the END of the sheltered comfortable lives of the west and and evening out of riches, food, etc. across the world and YOU dont want that guys im stating the truth because im prepared to admit it. the reason why the world sux is because u only live a short time and YOU intend to get the most out of ur life no matter who suffers. FACT FACT FACT.
Yes. It's true. I was born a capitalist and I will die a capitalist. Can you explain whats wrong with North America? Life isn't fair, fair is a concept we invented and isn't natrually occuring. The greatest thing about living in a world that is not fair is that YOU have the power to decide your fate based on your perception and actions.
People don't want to even out the rich's. Our soceity has been designed in a way that teaches everyone to be worker through memetics, materilism and public schooling. Being a worker provides you the ability to provide for your famliy, raise children and own a few of the possesions you have been told to want. It provides a suitable quality of living for the majority.
Communism provides the same standard of living for everyone but when the majority already has the means to provide a suitable standard of living it is counter productive. The level of global communication has caused an almost equalizing effect globaly to establish what the majority needs for a 'succesfull' and happy life.
I belive I define my existance and will obtain what I want from this life because of the freedom capatilism provides for me. In my eyes I will exist above the people around me because I have established my goals and in doing so defined a porpuse for my existance. Will doing so benifit the world on a whole? No. Do I want everyone to join me in my pursuit? No. My happiness is not dependant on what the other 40 million Canadians are doing as long as everyone continues to pay their taxes and participate in the society that provides me the opportunity to reach my goals.