Originally Posted by mo42
Now, how are homosexuals being discriminated against? They can still marry, no one is preventing them from doing so. They do wish to marry outside of the current legal bounds of marraige, however.
Is seperate now equal? Marriage is a religious word and recognizing only a specific religion's definition of the word is a violation of the first amendment.
So is the, "Legal gay marriage will mean more gay people" argument the only thing the antigay marriage side can come up with, because that's only half an argument. I sympathize with your desire to have grandchildren, but i were you i'd be more concerned about polution control regulations than whether you're kids are going to go gay. I think you're reaching here. Even if legalized gay marriage increased the number of gay folks by any reasonable amount you're hard pressed to support the assertion that that would be a bad thing.
Adysav, i'm still waiting for your good reasons why gay marriage shouldn't be allowed.