The polls are definetly all over the place. I was at this morning and it made VA(the state i'm voting in) look like a swing state with a weak bush rating I check back later today and it's strong bush all of a sudden?
whatever I'm doing the mail in for Kerry.
back to the issue at hand I think if Kerry really makes a strong showing at the debates and has some newsworthy soundbites there(so he reaches more people on cable news replays) he has a chance.Kerry really needs to hit Bush hard with the issues though and come back and respond to any muckraking news stories (Swiftboats,CBS documents,etc.). I mean really if he doesn't risk a little at the debates there's really no other chances to reach people.Hell after all the dirty tricks that Rove has been pulling I'd love to see Kerry attack the common man image Bush presents when he was really born to privlege possibly more than anybody else in the country.