Originally Posted by adysav
Your argument against it has basically come down to "it would be a pain to have it legalised". Does this mean you support it in principle?
It's a good job people didn't take the same stance on black rights, women's rights and the human rights issues during WWII.
You intentionally misquote me but not quoting what I actually said, and then compare me to someone who was complicit during the Holocaust. Nice rhetorical trick, very intellectually honest.
As I said earlier, there is no will to legalize incest. To champion that issue would be political suicide and is not going to accomplish anything. I'm not saying that it would simply be a "pain" to have it legalized. I'm saying that it won't get legalized at this point, even if a few champions of it emerge in Congress.
Additionally, as I also wrote earlier, this issue does not carry the same weight as other social movements in the past (which, particularly, is why it can't get the political backing for change).