Originally Posted by cthulu23
Israel definitely has nukes, so that'll deter Iran from invading unless they are particularly insane. It's more likely that Iran wants nukes for the same reason that other nations want them....they feel like this will guarantee their seat at the table of nations that must be respected, as well as ensuring their border security. Border security is probably increasingly important to them given the Bush doctrine and the "Axis of Evil" saber rattling. One unfortunate side-effect of the Bush doctrine is that it encourages nuclear proliferation in targeted countries as nukes may be the only means of defending against American military might.
Yea I'm sure North Korea and Iran were just happy peacefull countries before Bush showed up. Oh wait did Korea start on their nuke program BEFORE Bush took office? Oh yea.... Did Iran? Oh yea....
Also you might want to ask yourself if 'saber rattling' is a good term to use. I think there has been very little rattling and a whole lot of slashing.
The concept that somehow the 'Bush Doctrine' makes these petty dictatorships go from peace loving despots to world dangers is laughable. The only saber rattling is on their part as they see a big gaping hole at the table where Saddam was and they wonder if their pathetic governments are next.