Thread: Lost
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Old 09-25-2004, 09:19 PM   #33 (permalink)
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Location: West Michigan
I am so geeked for this show to succeed. This is the first show since the first CSI (imho) that is truly original. I thought the first episode was a bit overly dramatic and so did my hubby (he was watching a sporting event in another room and was flipping over to "Lost" during commercials, which says a ton 'cuz he never watches t.v. "series" but was interested in "Lost").

I hope they tone it down a little so I can actually get my hubby to watch the show with me. That said....

The first episode had sooo many overtones of Stephen King and/or Michael Crighton. Does anyone know if either of them are invovled with the show?

First off: The engines running on the beach. Neither I or Hubby are experts but he watches Discovery Wings all the time and plays with that Flight Simulator all the time. He said that there is no way the engines, separated from the plane, and therefore their fuel source, could have gone on running that long. I don't know, but logically that makes sense to me (and I was thinking that while watching the show). If that's possibly true, then the guy that got sucked into the engine was just a drama ploy (because it was maybe 1/2 hr. after the plane crashed, givin Jack's supposed blackout time to when he wandered onto the beach and then the time lapse before the engine sucking happend).

The orange guy: The thought, that a couple of you have said, about him being a previous crash survivor is interesting. I didn't come to any conclusions, except that he was too much like a (again) Stephen King or Dean Koontz character to even begin to guess where he might fit in. He's weird, vaigue and didn't even try to interact with anyone.

The dog: See right above

Charlie: It's just cool to see Merri or Pippen (which ever one he is) in an American tv show!! I didn't put too much thought into his character until they were in the nose of the plane. I noticed he was gone by the time the other two got to the cockpit, but didn't even think to atribute it to drugs. I thought he/it was along the lines of the orange guy/dog/Jurassic Park creature in the woods, ala SK, DK or MC (see above), weird and an unknown.

The fat guy: I agree, I hope he's not one of the characters that buys it early on. That'd be one step towards body acceptance in this world if he stayed. I'm not holding my breath though, he was in the first episode but had a bit part and nothing that cemented him to the main story.

The "Creature in the Jungle": This I think they could've done without. The premise is drama enough, can anyone say "Castaway?". I love Sci-Fi or Adventure Fiction as much as the next person, but really, don't these people have enough on their plates to deal with without adding some "scary" beast in the jungle to their burden? I hope it quickly becomes some weird monkey/elephant freak hybreed that they confront and kill and is then out of the picture. I just can't see this show lasting beyond a season or two with the "beast" not killed quickly. I really hope they eventually focus on the people that are on the island (please, otherwise my hubby won't take to it and it'll become a weekly Wed. night battle over who has to watch the 13" tv! ).

'Beware the Jabberwock, my son! The jaws that bite, the claws that catch! Beware the Jubjub bird, and shun, The frumious Bandersnatch!'--Jabberwocky, Lewis Carroll

"You cannot do a kindness too soon because you never know how soon it will be too late."--Ralph Waldo Emerson
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