I was merely reiterating what other people had said. What people are coming out with is simply:
"All consenting adults should be allowed to marry, except incestuous ones, for some reasons which you would never even consider applying to other couples."
In short that's discrimination. I thought this whole debate was about removing the discrimination from marriage.
It's hardly far off the argument. It's a situation which is in essence the same as the homosexual one, at least within the arguments previously given.
Your summary is a very warped view of the posts found on this thread. It is YOU who claims that these two issues are related. I would like you to take more then a few seconds to write a brisk reply but actually explain your stand, explain your argument and prove your point.
In order for the two topics to be related they need to share a common ground. Same-sex marriage does not share the same issues as incest and the arguments advocating same-sex marriage do not dislodge any of the arguments against incest.
There is nothing negative about same-sex marriage that should force us to take away that right from same-sex couples.
There are negative aspects to incest. Once the arguments concerning incest’s are proven false, then and only then, will incest share a common ground with same-sex marriage. But I am just repeating myself now…
The “equality” angle just doest work. We can’t let people do whatever they want. If an action harms the individual, other people or society then it should not be legal. Only when the issues surrounding incest are dispelled can the “equality” card be played.