On further thought, from my last response, I'd like to add that since there are so many more homosexuals that are becoming open in our society, more exposure to homosexuals in the media, famous people who are gay, and more social connections between homosexuals and straight people (compared to connections between incestuous families and everyone else) that homosexuals have a much greater chance to make it into the political agenda and have a political voice. Of course, the attempts of homosexuals to get political rights is very much reminiscent of the social movements in the 1960s with the backlashes that are occurring today. Since there are so many homosexuals and homosexual advocates today, the concept of a movement is viable. The arguments against homosexuality do not include things like having a larger tax on society for having to take care of children who have deformities and such. When asked: "how does allowing gays to get married affect me personally?" I don't think there is much that anyone can say personally against it.
I do not see the same kinds of variables for incest, and I doubt that this will change any time soon.