Originally Posted by filtherton
Thanks for proving my point.
Then you clearly don't understand my point. If you don't understand what I'm getting at by now, just stop replying to my posts. The attempts to permeate your skull with reason have failed and I don't really think I can be bothered any more.
Originally Posted by filtherton
I bolded the important parts.
How kind, but I asked for clarification, not repetition.
Originally Posted by Mantus
There is no “next”. You cannot refute the validity of a statement by attacking the motives of the individuals who made it.
I was merely reiterating what other people had said. What people are coming out with is simply:
"All consenting adults should be allowed to marry, except incestuous ones, for some reasons which you would never even consider applying to other couples."
In short that's discrimination. I thought this whole debate was about removing the discrimination from marriage.
Originally Posted by wilbjammin
How so?
If you don't understand why promoting hearsay as fact is dishonest, then there is nothing I can say here that will help.