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Old 09-25-2004, 11:53 AM   #22 (permalink)
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Location: In the land of ice and snow.
Originally Posted by Rdr4evr
Whenever I say hypocrisy, I don’t mean it in the sense that a priest rapes a kid. I mean the religion itself is filled with hypocrisy, and the people that follow it even more so. I don’t think they are "stupid generalizations" either because it is the truth. Christians believe that the only way to the lord is through Christ, correct? So I could be a good person and help others but I will burn in hell, but a murdering rapist or someone similar will go to heaven just because he/she believes in Jesus?? I find that repulsive and plain stupid. Christians want everyone else but themselves to be perfect. This is not a generalization, it is a fact. The bible says the only way to god is through Christ. That in itself is filled with hypocrisy, you can’t argue it.
Some christians believe that, just like some muslims believe that martyrdom buys you an afterlife of hot sex with a gaggle of virgins. You can't characterize all of christianity as having that perspective though. Many christians believe that all humans are on the path to god, regardless of what they do or believe. So while you may find the idea of jesus as the only doorway to heaven repulsive and stupid(i'm inclined to agree), you're mistaken if you think such things are a commonality across all of christianity.

As for christian music, i don't really care for a lot of music. Having blatant or subtle christian undertones isn't really that important to me. I evaluate christian music, on the rare occasion that i hear it, based on whether the particular brand of christianity i'm hearing is some sort of fundamentalist bullshit, or something based on independent thought. Pedro the lion gets credit as a christian musician who i respect because christianity is only a small part of what he sings about and he is introspective. He doesn't sing "praise hymns", the obnoxious song where someone is proclaiming their love of god over and over again, as if a god would be so insecure as to need the praise of its subjects.

Last edited by filtherton; 09-25-2004 at 12:00 PM..
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