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Old 09-25-2004, 02:04 AM   #18 (permalink)
It's All About The Ass!!
K-Wise's Avatar
Location: In a pool of mayonnaise!!
Originally Posted by Rdr4evr
I agree with Stompy on this. I find the music more humorous than anything. I personally never understood Christianity as it oozes with hypocrisy, and the music is just more of the same drivel in my opinion.
How so does Christianity <b>ooze</b> with hypocrisy? I bet all you can list is a bunch of stupid generalizations and stereotypes when I ask that right? The only thing that <b>oozes</b> with hypocrisy is mankind itself. When we all grow up and have kids we'll teach em it's not right to steal, or lie, curse, or do drugs, or objectify women and disrespect them when we've all done it ourselves and will do most still even when we have them. Teachings which are synonomous with the Christian way of life. I'm not talking about Priests who do sermons and then molest the alter boys or preachers who take money out of the collection plate to buy their wife a new dress to wear on Sundays. Again that would be making a generalization...just because one priest or preacher or even a hundred do it doesn't mean the entire Church is a bunch of hypocrits. Lots of black and brown people rob convenience stores but you wouldn't dare say that all black and brown people are criminals would you? Hypocrite. If it's the Church it's just fine though. These are the same type of people who wanna beat you up if you try to label them. Christian people have a belief(s) and most of them follow it(them). The ones that you think are hypocrites probably are because they just say they go to church and believe in God but don't really try to follow in his footsteps at all. Judge Christianity by Christ alone...nothing more we're human we are not perfect. On to the topic at hand I like a lot of christian artists like Jennify Knapp, Third Day, 4 Him, Mars Ill, etc. They make great songs and sing with feeling so of course I like them most I do not like though for the obvious reasons listed above. I gotta admit though I do not listen to music that mocks the Christian faith or has anything bad to say about it in general. Why I don't listen to a lot of great bands like A Perfect Circle or Nine Inch Nails. I'm not saying I'm the best Christian either. I try but I still do many things that aren't right with Christian way of life. No man is without sin. I repent, and ask forgiveness even though sadly I'll probably go right back out and do it again...what can I say...the flesh is weak.

"I love music and it's my parents fault (closing statement)." - Me..quoting myself...from when I said that...On TFP..thats here...Tilted Forum Project

It ain't goodbye, it's see ya later! I'll miss you guys! - Asta!!
K-Wise is offline  

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