Originally Posted by host
You declare that "There's no secret conspiracy here", as if it was fact.
Then....you write as if it is also accepted fact that 9-11 "occurred". Given
what we have now experienced, with Bush and the neocons in power for
44 months, misleading us into pre-emptive war with continually officially revised justification, the squandering of almost all international popular and governmental, post 9-11 sympathy, solidarity and support for U.S. resolve in the face of a massive terrorist attack, official macho bluster regarding
scapegoat Bin Laden, followed up by feigned indifference about his relevance
after 6 months of demonizing him, no policy to address energy cosumption
and a huge trade deficit other than "blood for oil" and the rollback of
environmental and wilderness area protection, tax cuts heavily slanted for
the rich and for corporations with no plan to control federal spending,
an immediate post 9-11 assault on the bill of rights, a "war" president who
has been on vacation 42 percent of his time in office, reduction of presidential press conferences in a time of war to less than 2 per year,
an obvious agenda to establish evangelical christianity as the state
religion, and no inclination to honestly address questions concerning errors
in judgment or in the exercise of presidential duties and the policies of the executive branch, and you still simply accept that a conservative group of
patriotic and forward thinking Americans simply waited with a plan to cover
most contingencies in the unlikely event that something like 9-11 just
happened to "come along? Why is this alternative, given what we now know
about this administration be so impossible to at least consider?
<a href="http://liberty.hypermart.net/voices/2003/When_Democracy_Failed_The_Warnings_of_History.htm">Was 9-11 America's "Reichstag Fire"?</>
Wow, that may be the greatest run-on sentence that I've ever read. Heroic lack of sentence terminators aside, I give absolutely zero credence to the idea tha Bush somehow set up or allowed 9-11 to occur. Conspiracy theories like this, never backed up with any kind of evidence, do much harm to those who are trying to use legitimate arguments to discredit Bush. Could a conspiracy that immense really stay secret for very long? If you have some evidence, I'd love to see it.