I will ask somebody who is learned in the scriptures more than I. Better yet, you could read the Bible yourself. I have an agnostic friend that read the whole thing, and I think that everybody should, just as I have read some of the Book of Mormon, Quaran, and am about to begin reading some Hindu sacred texts. It's also referenced a lot in literature, so again, a good read.
Originally Posted by MrSelfDestruct
Isn't that convenient? The people who tell us about this are the only ones who can "save" us from it.
Actually, quite the opposite, although some Christians believe so. (By the way, I don't like the term "Christian." It just doesn't sit with me.) My agnostic friend could tell you how to be saved, for one. It is something that since the Pentecostal movement in the 1920's people have believed. The person being "saved" (another cliche word that I don't like) has to make the decision by him/herself. The only "saver" is God (Jesus was just the sacrifice. God the father forgives.) That's why I don't bother people with it like most Christians do. I just try to stay true and sincere to what I believe, and I let that be my only witness.
By the way, Hindus believe that the true Christian religion is the equivalent Hindu way of getting to eternity through love.
Some of you have been quick to judge. I challenge you to be more open-minded.