I would just like to take this oppotunity to point out that the Fantastic Four are almost certainly homosexual. Not that it matters, if they are, but all outward indications certainly point that way. Let me break it down for you:
First, they're Fantastic. That's not diagnostic by itself, but there's more. They all wear skin tight latex suits. Again, not diagnostic - they could be speed skaters, for instance. To really get at this, we need to look athe them individually:
Reed Richards, Mister Fantastic. He's the man of rubber. Naturally, he's the leader of the group.
Ben Grimm, how butch, he's as hard as a rock.
Johnny Storm, the human torch. What a hottie. Can I say anything else but, Flame On!
Finally it is worth noting that there is only one woman in the group, and she's invisible.

(The preceding is not to be taken seriously.)