Originally Posted by Tandem
For all the effort it took; what would you have done differently if you were faced with the same problem again?
Perhaps get better prepared? Correct drivers in hand, a plan and a checksheet? Have someone with experience peruse your plan (get feedback)? Whilst a lot of people may not consider these things as a requirement or even necessary, perhaps overkill; consider how often you build platforms from scratch and the time and effort to complete a stable rebuild. And in the process you'll learn more, without the stress and fustration.
Might be worthwhile next time. Good to hear you're back up and running though.
Originally Posted by God of Thunder
I agree with Tandem, you're trying to blame Dell for not having the drivers you could have easily had in hand before you started this venture.
As a tech support person, my mantra is:
A lack of planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on mine.
Unfortunately, it always does.
Don't be so quick to blame Dell or any other tech support line for info you could have easily obtained yourself beforehand.
Ok, I think that most people are going to agree with me when I say this.
I don't think it's very unreasonable for me to be upset that dell did not include all the neccessary drivers to run a piece of hardware that they installed themselves, and as I understand it, is a standard NIC for their Laptops that they use.
I didn't special order this NIC and install it myself, this is a driver that I had to get off the internet, using a different computer, because it was a driver for the piece of hardware that I use to get onto the internet. Plus they had one of the two drivers I needed on the driver disc, which has only about half of it's capacity used, this driver is only around 50 KB, it would not have been hard for them to add it on.
This was a hardware device that connects me to the Internet, I could understand if they left out a sound driver or something, cause you can get online and find that easily, but they should include the necessary drivers on their backup disc to allow you to get the other drivers you may need.
As for blaming Dell tech support, I told the lady THREE times in a row that I did not have an ISP and she kept saying "You need to call your ISP". Script or no script, that when she needs to be saying, "I need to transfer you to someone better able to help you", That was a problem on dells part.
As for me doing this again, I would back up the driver I need, cause now I know that I don't have it on the backup driver disc.
Yes, I did make the mistake of assuming, but check my first paragraph in this response for my reason as to this being a reasonable assumption to make.