I'm currently doing both (already had Netflix; signed up for the Blockbuster in-store deal because the first month was only $14.99 for 2 movies at a time; I've let it lapse into the second month where the charge is now, I think, $24.99 per month)
Here's what I think it basically boils down to when comparing Netflix (I'm doing the 3 at a time deal) and the Blockbuster Movie Pass (in-store) (I'm not really familiar with using Blockbuster Online and having them mail to you):
Netflix has an infinitely better selection. If you're really into older movies or foreign films (or you often are trying to track down and rent just random obscure titles), Netflix will almost always have them and Blockbuster often won't.
The turnaround on Netflix rentals for me is usually two days (i.e. I drop a movie to send back in my mailbox and get my next selection two days later), sometimes three. This is a pretty decent turnaround that should keep you at a pace of seeing a movie per day, except when you take into account the fact that mail isn't sent on Sundays and holidays.
The Blockbuster deal is definitely good for impulse rentals (where you know you want something in particular or a certain type of movie; with Netflix, the movie's already coming to you in the mail and you can't change your mind) and for renting many more movies over a span of time.
So if you have a lot of time on your hands to watch movies or are indesicive about what movie you want to see, the Blockbuster deal might be the better choice. Otherwise, Netflix is the way to go.
At $14.99, the Blockbuster deal is worth a shot for its first month just to see how you like it.
Netflix has an infinitely
Persuaded, paraded, inebriated, and down
Still aware of everything life carries on without