It's funny though. The three of us have lived together in love for over 7 years. We lived in a suburban neighborhood and now we live in the country. Our families and our neighbors know and accept us as we are. We don't use a name for our relationship, we just have it.
I suppose what I'm seeing is that all the theoretical discussions involving something like vast legalistic, cultural, and sociological generalizations don't really come into play, unless one invokes them - typically by invoking a pre-existing definition requiring a relationship to traditional models or by expecting some sort of specialized status over and above the rights of individuals to make agreements and contracts with each other.
I suppose we could get all worked up about wishing we had our own set of laws governing things like income tax benefits and a few other legal/economic perks but for some reason discussions like this seem to be quite beyond what is required for happy, successful, prosperous relationships.
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Last edited by ARTelevision; 09-23-2004 at 11:59 AM..