09-23-2004, 10:46 AM
#69 (permalink)
Sky Piercer
Originally Posted by zen_tom
Interesting question, but a huge no-no on all fronts!
Say the machine is set-up in two adjacent cubicles - each cubicle has a chair, a machine and a book. I get in one cubicle, the machine (a Mark II) does it's thing but fails to destroy the original me. So now there's two of me, one in each cubicle. We both sit down and read our books. Does the original me have any idea of what the new me is reading? Have we got some kind of psychic link? I think not. As soon as the new me is created, he's an entirely different entity - we might share memories, but we don't share a conciousness. Destroying the original me would be just that, the end - I'd have no perception of anything after that time. I'd be dead.
The Mk I suffers from exactly the same problem - in order to be sent, I need to be destroyed - again, death. The new me is exactly that, a new me - with new experiences and a separate conciousness. As far as I know, I stepped into the machine and died.
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