Originally Posted by Rekna
The issue was a man wrote a book deflaming the Koran and the man was sentenced to death in Iran (i believe).
Specifically, the man was Salmon Rushdie and the book was "The Satanic Verses". The Ayatolla Khomenie (sp?) issued a death edict calling for all muslims to try to kill Mr. Rushdie for his book. Mr. Rushdie was in hiding for many many years and I believe still keeps a very low profile.
Cat said he supported that (along with many other muslims). I don't see a problem here.
You don't see a problem with this???
Are you telling me that if someone came out with a book defaming the bible that there would be a lot of extreamist christians coming out against it? Hell we have christains saying they will kill homosexuals for looking at them.
Soooo, if someone offends someone elses religion, it is OK with you to support killing them???
(And the "Christian" who said that was Jimmy Swaggart, who has already appologized for the remark and doesn't represent most Christians anyway. Nor has he actively tried to assasinate people, unlike radical muslims.)
Just because he said he supported someone elses decision doesn't make him a terrorist.
No, it doesn't. It makes him a supporter of murder in the name of religion.
If I were to say that I support the Iraqi's right to fight for their freedom from the occupation (even go as far as shoot at our soldiers) does that make me a terrorist?
No, but if you acted on your statement, by giving aid to the enemy, it would make you a traitor.
Honestly, addressing just this one issue of Salmon Rushdie, it sounds to me like you're defending Islam aka Stevens because this piece of his past doesn't support your argument, which doesn't paint you in a very good light (i.e. you support murder in the name of religion when it suits you.)
Is this really what you intend?