I'm a Network Engineer.
Several commercial wireless products will let you triangulate a wireusers position to withing about 20 feet. Three different WAP's need to see the signal.
On the wired side, it pretty easy for anyone to track down a user to his ISP. The ISP shouldbe able to locate the user to a floor, if it's a campus environment, or to withing a small 10 or 20 block radius using the DEMARC/aggregation point the users DSL/cable comes in on.
IPv6 can embed the users MAC address in the IP address. (The adress is 128 bits long. The lower 64 bits can be something called a EUI-64 address, which is the users 48-bit MAC address with 'FFFE' inserted in to the middle.)
All of this is without resorting to any type of records, just putting the technology to use.
From the day of his birth Gilgamesh was called by name.