Originally Posted by cooperricko
It's refreshing to hear a Christian disclaim supposed events and writings that have formed the basis for the teachings of the Faith. Perhaps if more of the bretheren would read between the lines and not accept everything blindly, then there would be a more balanced perspective on life.
Zealots in any field ( and religion ) tend to raise the ire and passion of those that live to decry. Islam is the perfect example at the moment. The religion has so many positive aspects - but is brought into disrepute by splinter groups acting " on behalf of all Islam ". The teachings are good, the behaviour of 99.5 % is exemplary - but stupidity seems to accompany zealism by default.
I would agree 100% with the above. I have yet to meet a Muslim that was blatantly so, and certainly have had none attempt to convert me. Of the Buddhists I know....only one has attempted to "enlighten" me(and that at my request". Virtually half of the christians I know have proclaimed the error of my ways, or outright attempted to convert my faith to their own.
To clarify....I do know quite a few followers of Eastern religions, as well as western. My point is, I have personally drawn the conclusion, after moderate study of many paths, that the Christian/Catholic faith(s) are by far the most condescending to others, and therefor the paths I most avoid.
Each religion can be interpreted as something the others regard as Evil, and some within each will become violently fanatical.....welcome to human nature.
These are not the individuals to base an understanding of said religion on. That said there is a "General" attitude portrayed within the folds of each subset of a theology. Careful examination of the dogma present in the population of these groups is very revealing when it comes to the underlying reasons for fanatic beliefs. The underlying teachings in muslim faith are reletively benign, as are those of a Buddhist incling. Christian Teachings (at least from a couple of the bible versions) do tend to foster a certain disdain for those who are of a differing faith, this will inevitably lead to many people leaving the fold as they become more mature in social dealings.