Originally Posted by SecretMethod70
Similarly, being told one understanding does not mean that I know have THE understanding of it. In fact, as is the case with the bible, maybe there are many other, and some nearly completely opposite understandings. For example, I don't believe the bible is fiction, however I do believe that there we no such people as Adam and Eve, I don't believe the world was created in 7 days, I don't believe in Noah and the Ark, etc etc etc.
I have nothing wrong with people believing whatever they chose to believe. But to presuppose that you have an understanding of that which you admittedly don't believe in and pay little attention to, frankly, makes no sense.
Incidentally, there are those who would argue that Jesus may not have actually "walked on water" as well. And, personally, I don't really care if he physically walked on water or not, beyond an academic interest. Why? Because whether he physically walked on water or not has little, if anything at all, to do with the purpose and message of his life and the bible.
It's refreshing to hear a Christian disclaim supposed events and writings that have formed the basis for the teachings of the Faith. Perhaps if more of the bretheren would read between the lines and not accept everything blindly, then there would be a more balanced perspective on life.
Zealots in any field ( and religion ) tend to raise the ire and passion of those that live to decry. Islam is the perfect example at the moment. The religion has so many positive aspects - but is brought into disrepute by splinter groups acting " on behalf of all Islam ". The teachings are good, the behaviour of 99.5 % is exemplary - but stupidity seems to accompany zealism by default.