Originally Posted by Mojo_PeiPei
From what it sounds like the US was acting on Mossad intel., seeing as too he's had problems over in Jerusalem. You definitly run a risk of actively aiding terrorism by supporting some of those "charities".
But I guess you guys are right, how dare we. I mean giving support to terror isn't a crime. We really should take an innocent until proven guilty or until they fly a plane into a building stance when it comes to Arab Muslims who are suspected of having terrorist ties, we wouldn't want to offend anyone.
Terrorism is a crime and should be handled as such. If a person is guilty of a crime, or conspiring to commit a crime, you arrest them, charge them, and sentence them.
If the person is a criminal, they need to be locked up. If not, then they need to share the same rights as any citizen.
Your sarcasm is noted, but duly inappropriate. The simple fact is that it is a crime to conspire to commit a crime, or knowingly provide assistance to the commission of a crime, so both of your points are errant. I don't have to wait until you hijack a plane to arrest you for conspiracy. I do have to have an actual reason though beyond conjecture to make it stick. In the meantime though, so long as I don't have enough to arrest you on, you deserve to live without restriction on your freedom.
Terrorists are criminals. To treat them any differently is insane. They are not worthy of their own classification. They are not worthy of disruption of our justice system and challenge of our legal system. They are not worthy of our self-imposed limits of freedom. Why do we grant them these mantles to wear? Why do we do the terrorists' work for us and dismantle our own freedom?