Well, I have to say I was really impressed with the season premiere! They definately got Lois right, and I'm looking forward to her being in the show more.
And I was really surprised with how the writers created great chemistry between the characters, namely between Clark and Lois, and between Lana and... the dude in Paris (Josh? i forget). Usually Smallville is loaded with awkward and unnatural moments, but Clark and Lois really played well off each other, and Lana and Josh seemed to be a real couple.
Oh and what's up with what happened to Lana? Any ideas on what her role is going to be, with that whole tattoo showing up on her back and all? My first instinct was something along the lines of Clark's kryptonian mother becoming a factor, through Lana, sort of like how Jor-El did through Jonathan. That might be a stretch though.
And I think we need more Lana shower scenes.