Last Thursday, the day Ivan went through Alabama, my spouse and I took our two poodles outside for a pee break. We were standing in our yard talking to our neighbors who were walking their Irish Setter when one of our poodles and the neighbor's dog took off through our yard after a rabbit, and as we all were trying to round up our dogs the next thing we knew our poodle was squealing at the top of her lungs. She ran back to us, still squealing. At first we thought she had been scared by the neighbor's dog, so we took her inside to calm her down after all four of us assumed she was okay. It was then that we noticed blood and several bite marks on her flank. The next day we took her to the vet who confirmed that she had been bitten by a large dog. He shaved her flank, treated her with antibiotics and ointment and said she would be okay in about a week.
Our question is....should we say anything to the neighbors about what actually happened. We have lived next door to them for about a year and have never had a problem with their dog, although he roams through our yard quite frequently. They are very good neighbors, and we don't want to make an issue out of something that may cause ill will.
This photo was taken Wednesday, 6 days after the incident.