Originally Posted by asaris
Adysav writes:
Yes. Yes it is. It is logically possible that you could wake up tomorrow morning and be able to fly using your mind. That is to say, you cannot derive any contradiction from the statement "I can fly using my mind".
This relies on the false premises:
1) A human being could fly.
2) There is some property of my mind that enables me to fly if I want to.
Which leads to the clearly false conclusion above.
Just because there is not contradiction in the conclusion does not mean that the logic used to create it is not flawed.
Originally Posted by asaris
Just a word on burden of proof: You are the one making a claim (said claim being "It is logically impossible that Jesus walked on water.")
Someone beat me to this one... 2000 years ago, give or take a few, someone wrote that Jesus walked on water. I would imagine that the burden of proof is on that person, or the people defending the original claim.
Originally Posted by asaris
And, again, that's just what a logical impossibility is -- a statement from which it is possible to derive a contradiction. Just so we're perfectly clear, a contradiction is a statement of the form "p and not-p".
Yes I understand logic, but saying that a statement is true unless you can derive a contradiction is incorrect. This is where that ugly thing called reality comes into play.
There is no contradiction in the phrase "tomorrow is Monday". That doesn't mean that tomorrow actually
is Monday, as indeed it isn't. Since there is no contradiction however, you must believe that tomorrow is in fact Monday.
Originally Posted by asaris
That is to say, given the other beliefs Christianity holds, it's not unreasonable for a Christian to believe in miracles.
This is the meat of it. It is all a question of faith to Christians. People walking on water, parting water, talking serpents in a perfect garden etc.
If that's the case why do you try to defend some aspects of it in a scientific manner?
Don't let any observation of the real world compromise the integrity of your holy texts.