That is interesting, because I guess I don't see the electoral college as being as big a problem seem to make it out to be. It was the EC's fault that the whole Florida debacle happened. Perhaps the only thing I would see as an improvement for it would be to better balance the quantity of EVs per state based on population, not the size of their congressional delegation.
Perhaps you are correct that with the election and all in full swing, there are other things that have a higher profile at the moment, but I wouldn't agree that it isn't broken. 2-3% of the country vote consistently Libertarian, but they have zero representation nationally. I see that as broken.
I do understand the concerns about taking away representation from specific states, but I guess my only way to address that in my plan was to minimize it--by making it only a few seats, the overall reduction is less than 5%, which is about the change that states often see during reapportionment anyway.
Thanks for the input though, and no I don't take it badly at all. I am continuing to work for a way for those folks who don't fit the views of either of our two monolithic parties, to have an opportunity to have representation at the Federal Level.