Originally Posted by Ustwo
This wasn't some innocent 'why can't we all get along' talk.
Not saying it was whatever you qualify as a 'why can't we all get along' talk, but then what exactly was talked about that was so heinous?
You are right, there was some bad times for a lot of folks in the South after the North took over, much like there is bad times right now for Iraqis since our take-over. However, it would be hard to say that life for the average Vietnamese citizen hasn't improved dramatically now that she is self-controlling, over the constant suffering of the 1940-1975 period where the world's major powers vied for control over her. Working to end this disasterous period is nothing to be ashamed of, and while he certainly was not always correct about some things, the Administrations of that time weren't exactly doing a bang up job either.
If all Republicans can get on Kerry about is that he's such a bad guy because he saw the problems in Vietnam and tried to do what he could to bring it to an end, then I guess I can't feel too bad about it.
Did Kerry try and end the Vietnam War? Yes. Was he willing to talk to anyone he thought could help bring it to an end? Yes. Did he reveal the dirty fact that American troops were committing war crimes? Yes. Did American troops commit numerous heinous acts there? Yes. Did he recognize that the real answer to the crimes was not balming the troops for being bad people, but instead in ending the conflict that caused the whole situation? Yes.
Chest-thumpers are mad at Kerry because he told the truth about war crimes. He told the ruth about Vietnam being an intractable, or unwinnable, situation. They claim that disclosing dirty truths showed a lack of support for our soldiers, that he should have stayed quiet about what he witnessed in Vietnam. Nay, I say, he should not have stayed quiet any more than a cop should stay quiet if he knows that misconduct is taking place in his precinct. The cop that reveals gang rapes and unwarranted beatings and corruption is naturally attacked for being a traitor to his brothers. But the truth is that he is showing the highest respect for the force by doing so.
So go ahead and attack Kerry for trying to bring an end to the Vietnam War. Go ahead and attack Kerry for revealing dirty truths about what was happening over there. Go ahead and attack Kerry for being honest about concerns about the war. You can hate him for these things; I respect him for them.