Congressman David Dreier (R) California, chairman of the powerful house rules
committee lives with his male chief of staff, who is the highest paid chief of
staff in congress. Dreier, unmarried, has apparantly hidden the fact that he is
gay during his 24 year political career. Dreier has supported or sponsered
republican anti-guy legislative intiatives.
The mainstream press continues to deny that they had any hand in helping keep Dreier's secret from the public. Hmmmm... While the independent press, Low Magazine, wrote the piece on Dreier in 1997! Yet no local daily has covered the fact that Dreier is a homophobe and gay. Could it be that the paper did not know? Could there be a cover-up? Were reporters told what they could, and could not, ask Rep. Dreier?
If you'd like to see the letter that Hustler Magazine wrote to one of the local papers in Drier's district click here.
Now how is this for some interesting connections: The papers in Dreier's area are all owned by the same company that owns the Denver by Dean Singleton. Of all of the papers in Congressman Dreier's district owned by Singleton's company, not ONE of them thought it important enough to report on the contradictions of the Congressman's public votes and private life.
San Gabriel Valley Tribune is the Medianews paper in Dreier's district.
Drieir is the second republican congressman with an anti-gay voting record
that has been exposed by just in this past month.
Why is the media enabling these dangerous (as in easily blackmailed),
"conservative" closet gay republican politicians by refusing to cover their
political and personal lives with the same "fair and balanced" even handedness
that they exhibited in.....say....their coverage of Bill Clinton ?
Supporting links:
Kitty Kelly book excerpt:"Page 491-92: Barbara Bush is upset that her daughter Doro, a divorcee, is getting nowhere with Rep. David Deier after a year of dating. "Never laid a hand on her," Bar says."
Homophobic Republicans Set Sights on Dreier
Anti-gay GOP Rep. outed, 'lived with' highly paid chief of staff
Note: I can understand that some of you may want to wait to comment
until this story becomes more "mainstream". IMO, that is exactly the point
of this thread. This thread is about the curious media double standard in
not covering the hypocricy of David Dreier and his use of public funds to
authorize an unusually high government salary for his gay live-in lover, and
about the control of the news that Medianews monopoly of local California
newspapers allows it to exert. Sit back, watch this unfold, and thank Hustler
magazine for performing as journalists while the rest of the media establishment <br>allowed Dreier to play homophobic congressional committee
chairman, pander to the christian right, and then go home and sleep with his
male chief of staff, protected from exposure by the same media who publically
pledge to champion the transparency envisioned by our founding fathers to
serve as the fourth "check and balance" of our constituitional government!