Originally Posted by ARTelevision
I'm surprised Kerry didn't stick with the domestic issues. I think they are a sure bet winner. A democrat who focuses on improving the lives of citizens by means of government programs seems unbeatable to me. I really don't understand why he went after the strengths of his opponent rather than focusing on the strengths of his (and his party's) positions.
Amen Art! I truely wish we could talk more about domestic policy, as the reality is that a Kerry Administration will do very little that is different from the Bush Administration in Iraq. Unfortunately, whenever these issues come up the Republicans say "The only way to do all these things Kerry wants to do is to raise taxes, and we believe the American pulbic knows how to spend their money better that the Federal Government." An overly simplistic statement, but an effective one. The fact is that taxes will be raised, particularly on the top 1% of the population, and rarely in Presidential politics does someone win by saying they will raise taxes. Kerry calls it a "rollback". All this being said, I do believe that he must begin to address some of these issues more agressively. Health care, social security, job training and development, environmental policy and education should be brought up much more frequently. The reality is that most Americans are concerned about National Security, so that is the topic of choice. Hopefully, the debates will allow the candidates and America to focus more on domestic policy.