The Swift Boat Liars are the preeminent example of Rovian politics. In every major election that he's run, some "third party" group rises up to smear the opponents with ridiculous claims. Rove's candidate then gets to wade in and call for a restoration of decency. Of course, the allegations do have an effect but Rove's boy comes out smelling like a rose. Rove did it to Ann Richards (rumors of lesbianism) and John McCain (via the group "New Yorkers for Clean Air", who just happened to be funded by one of the major Swift Boat fianciers from Texas. Also the rumors of mental instability and sexual impropriety).
This is just more grist for the mill. Rove attacks his opponents on their strengths, not their weaknesses, so he goes after the decorated veteran on his war record, even though his man couldn't even complete a stint in the National Guard. I just wish that the public was a little more aware of exactly what type of politics are at play here.
Last edited by cthulu23; 09-22-2004 at 02:37 PM..