Originally Posted by Wax_off
Gee, so you're saying that a peace confrence is a traitorous act? Trying to find a way to avoid further loss of life and property is no good? It's not possible to set aside ones differences and come to a peaceful solution? The only way to win is by crushing your enemy? Great. Fantastic. Nice way to think there. Why bother to negotiate, just kill them.
Just some info for you.
First your friends connections.... This has been out a couple of days, I heard about it on the news.
Second, this was prior to Kerry accusing US soldiers of war crimes and Fonda going to North Vietnam. This wasn't some innocent 'why can't we all get along' talk.
Perhaps you should do some reading on the VC, and what they did to the S. Vietnamese people after we pulled out and durring the tet offensive. Kerry thought there would be little violence from them to the S. Vietnamese people if we pulled out. Nice one John.