New swift boat ad.
A friend of mine who has some connections says that there's going to be a new swift boat ad. Here's what he says...
"The Swift Boat bastards are about to release a new ad that claims Kerry secretly met with the Viet Kong leaders during Vietnam. Total bullshit. He did attend a peace conference in Paris in 1971 between the U.S. and the North Vietnamese, but they're going to try and paint him like a traitor..."
Aren't we done with this yet? Does anyone really care anymore? Are there any swing voters out there who really think Kerry could be a traitor? Isn't this just preaching to the converted?
Or is the real idea to distract from the substantive issues of the campaign? It seems like the more that Kerry has to deal with this non-sense, the less he gets to get his message across. I guess all is fair in love and war, but this just seems shitty.