Platypus, imagine for me that America has another great depression that completely destroys our economy. Imagine also that the Islamic world has a revival in both culture and economy so thorough that Islamic culture and influence begins to spread all over the world.
Now you have just switched the CC and the Taliban etc.
Both are now in the position the other was in. How do you see each reacting? Do you think the Islamic Fundies will bother to attack america and her interests anymore? Beheading our civilians, flying planes into our buildings.
What do you think will become of the hardcore of the CC? Do you think they will just sit back and do as they have always done in america? Do you think they won't take huge offense to seeing Islam spreading through the USA, seeing their values and religion being pushed aside for something they see as actually evil and damnable?
I don't. Under that circumstance I see Christian Fundies picking up where Al Qaeda left off.