Let me tell you something of my experiences. My uncle from the UK married an Aussie lass. He's over 65 and not in the best of health. Financially he's got a enough money to get a deposit on a home in a good suburb in Melbourne and basic super. He came out, got married, applied to stay and volia 3 months later he's in. Long term he'll be a drain on health-care resources, will be participating in unskilled labour and won't be paying much tax.
My mate from Italy married a school friend and it took him 18 months, a trip back to Italy in order to reapply and a whole lot of hassle to get in. He's highly skilled, young, starting a family and even has family out here (the reason for his inital visit) but it was still quite an effort to become a permanent resident.
Some poor buggers risk their life to get here, often in fear for their lives. Obviously they should be filling out forms and waiting for the UN to find them a new home like all the other good little refugees but sometimes famines, genocide and war aren't that fun. Commonly they are young (the old ones often don't survive the journey) and highly skilled. Whatever enthuisam and desire to contribute to our community is deliberately destroyed by sending them to a prision and treating them like animals.
In my view the system is clearly racist. Johnny's monarchist mates are still favouring applications from the "old country" above all else. We hardly take in any refugees at all - up until recently something like 2-3000/ year - now about 6,000 (try-hard election promise). We take in 1 refugee to every 1,961 Aussies. In Canada (similar population size to us) it is 1:980 and in Britain it is 1:604.
My understanding of the New Zealand system is that refugees are allowed to hold jobs and interact with the community whilst awaiting the outcome of their application to become a permanent resident. This has been very sucessful and there is a very low rate of "disapperances". It hasn't seemed to have opened the floodgates. Admittedly it is geographically harder to get there so they have less refugees but there has to be something better than what we've got now. If we followed NZ's lead the Australian Government would'nt waste my bloody taxes jailing some poor bloke for 7 years and paying out $400,000- more than 7 years work for me!!!!