Does anyone read or subscribe to "The New Yorker"?
For a long time I thought "The New Yorker" was a magazine for tourists travelling to New York, and just recently (last night), found out that it was in fact a magazine that covered culture, politics, and also featured submissions of both fiction and non-fiction.
This made me a little regretful that I had missed out on the magazine due to my misconceptions about what it was, but it also made me wonder if there was anyone out there that subscribed to, or read, the magazine?
I'm curious about what you think of the magazine, and if you had any comments you wanted to share about it, either positive or negative?
I will try to pick up a copy of it after class today, but would appreciate some general feedback about the magazine, and how it compares to other magazines that are of the same "genre." I am not aware of any others, so seeing a few listed would be a learning experience also.
"Yes, I rather like this God fellow. He's very theatrical, you know, a pestilence here, a plague there. Omnipotence. Gotta get me some of that." -Stewie