A cool million...
So, I've read a few things recently about people winning large jackpots (like that Jack Whittaker that took home $113M after taxes as a lump sum). It got me thinking, if you had won $113M free and clear, would you GIVE any of it away? I don't mean to charity, I just mean to people. Obviously you wouldn't give it all away, but if you had it and someone just walked up to you and said, "Hey, I'm broke and you're not... how about you toss me a few hundred G?", what would be your response?
I'm not a bum... I work my tail off, drill with my unit and go to school full time. All that said and done, I'm not against a little charity now and again. I think I'd be keen to give the guy a few grand just for having the balls to ask. I wonder if anyone knows a millionaire or two I could try it with?