Originally Posted by KMA-628
It would be very easy to read this the wrong way.
might've been better said without the political tags. you seen to be inferring that someone who is true to the conservative cause isn't rational. That in order to "appear" intelligent, one must appear undecided.
The christian conservatives in my family and circle of acquantances are not rational--nor do they claim to be.
They base their decisions on religious ideology--unabashadly so. One of the most cited reasons they fall back on Bush (and other republicans) is because of their position on abortion.
Their position is based on mythical stories about what they believe a deity told inspired people to write down. They are not ashamed of their position--they believe it to be true.
You may be upset about that characterization of people in your party, and I don't know your religious affiliation nor do I make any assumptions about it, but that is certainly non-rational behavior and it governs their voting patterns.
I haven't met any democrats who similarly situate themselves politically, socially, and culturally.
Since I am neither, I couldn't care less whether such democrats exists. I was offering my analysis of republicans I have met who purport themselves to be independent. However, when confronted with issues that affect real people, in real time, even themselves, most notably in economic issues (which is really all the government should be involved in, but this whizzes over the heads of conservatives when I state it, although readily comes out as a plank in their platform when it becomes politically expedient), these republicans subordinate such issues to one or a few religious issus.
If you can find a religious, politically vocal group of liberals, feel free to post an analysis of them--I won't be offended. You drew a link betwen intelligence and rationality that I never stated. This fits into my earlier observation that many republicans welcome their situational victimstance.