those funky colored textures mean your grafx card memory is going bad. time to RMA it.
I have gone through 4 radeon 9700 pro cards with this problem.
1st card bought and 3 months later had the problem. sent it to ati, they sent me back the same model but a different serial #. Slapped it in and got the same friggin problem. I send it back and Im starting to get pissed. Ive got the phone # for the guy who is in charge of customer service. They send me back a working card, problem is its a radeon 9500 and not even a pro. By know im about to buy a plane ticket to go woop some ass. They send me back a 9700 pro that worked for 4 months and went bad. Sent it back and they upgraded me to a 9800 pro.
As far as Im concerned ATI is shit. I doubt I will buy another ATI card because of the customer service problems. They sent me a replacement card with the same friggin problem. Dumbasses.