-From a staunch Bush supporter.....
Kerry's direction is wrong and doesn't have mass appeal (plus, Kerry himself isn't really appealing).
Everybody seems to have forgotten the pre-9/11 days when Bush's presidency was failing. 9/11 saved him. Prior to he was getting in trouble left and right and pissing both sides off (myself included).
You want to see Kerry take a bounce in the polls? Have him take up real issues that real people are concerned about. However, he needs to avoid Iraq and any discussions of Kerry making America more secure - both are losers for him.
There are many other topics he could go after that would attract a portion of the conservative base, he just isn't.
Here is an example: My wife is a card-carrying Republican (I am not kidding on the "card-carrying" part, either) and she hates GW. However, Kerry has no appeal to her either. If Kerry's camp could figure out these "issues" that have caused a loyal Republican to become disloyal, he could pull enough votes from both sides to win.
Kerry's team needs to examine the Bush presidency from inauguration to 9/11/01 and go after those points. That is where Bush is weak. Trust me on this, Bush has some real weaknesses that have yet to be exploited.
If Kerry and his team continue on the path they are on, I highly doubt we will see a Democrat in the White House (excluding reporters) come November.
/side note: I am really looking forward to the VP debate. I have seen both men answer questions "from the hip" and Cheney will eat Edwards alive. In an impromptu scenario, Edwards comes across like Quayle. Love him or hate him, Cheney is a pro. Personally, I think this will be the debate to watch.