Just want to drop in 2 quick points - I don't believe I am repeating anything already discussed.
First, in regards to family pets, siblings, and old school mormons, because that argument seems to really be the major talking point on tv, radio, etc - please understand that it could be considered quite offensive without bringing much in the way of debate to the table. The issue of marriage is about two people wanting to solidify there love in front of God (sometimes) and man. If someone with a more traditional background told you that they were getting married to a great lady, would you immediately say to him "Hey! I didn't know you were into chicks - I bet you like little girls too, Huh?" Trying to lump a committed, monogomous relationship into something deviant is embarassing.
Second - I haven't seen anyone address the moral obligation (this was about morality) of each of us to protect individual rights given to us per the Constitution. "All men are created equal" and all that. At least as people who have the incredible fortune of personal rights and liberty, don't we owe it to stay on the lookout for someone being discriminated against - if not for them than for ourselves? Today they go after the easy targets, but I promise that in some way shape or form we are all part of a vunerable minority - what is yours?
Thanks for the space - I really enjoy reading your well thought out ideas.
Oft expectation fails...
and most oft there Where most it promises
- Shakespeare, W.