From my experiences with family and loved ones who suffer from depression, I'd have to say that it's a little of both. Shortly after my best friend tried to kill herself, I found out that almost every female on her Mother's side of the family was on antidepressants. Several of my family members have been on them as well. Like tinfoil said, maybe some of it has to do with personality traits being picked up on over generations, but I would guess that the chemical imbalance that causes depression would be genetic.
So I guess some people are just genetically predisposed to depression, from there it's up to them to recognize it and seek help, which isn't always easy since depression tends to make you want to isolate yourself from everyone.
Be strong for your girlfriend, find her a doctor to talk to, someone who can help her find ways to deal with stress and adversity, preferably without medication. If the early warning signs go unnoticed, things'll only get worse for her.